
CS Gallery Presents: Halloween Open Group Show

Show dates: October 23rd – November 5th
Opening night: Friday, October 31st, 6-9pm

Trick or treat! The reception for our October open falls right on Halloween. Olde Towne East Parsons Carnival will be happening at the same time as our show. Businesses on Parsons will have games and prizes. Come play Pin The Parts On The Zombie and check out some amazing artwork.
See the link below for more information.

Artist Roster:
Arlo Moon
Elaine S. Farrington Johnson
Jocelyn Kane
Brent Elam
Ralph Corriveau
Brian P Matheny
Chelsea Bennett

CS Gallery Presents: May “Open” Group Show

Show dates: May 10th – 21st
Opening night: May 17th, 7-10pm

Come join us for the latest installment of our signature show!!
Featured Artists: Ralph Corriveau, Vasilev Nini, Stephanie McCormick, Flint Garrabrant, Chelsea Bennett, Wayne Hughes, Tom Sherman, Brian Matheny

CS Year 4 Anniversary Show

Show dates: April 26th – May 7th
Opening night: April 26th, 7-10pm

Come help us celebrate our fourth year helping to create an amazing art culture in Columbus. Featuring music by Jeff McCargish!

Featured Artists: OHH MAN! This show is looking great!! Come check out these local Artists fo Year 4!! Brian Matheny, Ralph Corriveau, Lydia A. AcostaKraftt, Chris Patterson, Patti Goltz, Jonathan Ryan, Lindsay Rodgers, Sarah DeAgulo Hout, Kevin Russell, Wayne M. Hughes, Brian Hyrne, Chris Pack, James E. Wright, Jennifer Bender, Charla Mayhew, Danielle Forbes, Alicia Little, Todd Fisher, Steve Hayes, Brent Elam, Clinton Joshua, Tom Hubbard, Caroline Kraus

Flora & Fauna

Show dates: March 29th – April 9th
Opening night: March 29th, 7-10pm

Come be apart of this show that is all about the birds, bees, flowers, trees, and maybe a little love! Featured Artists: Jennifer Brown, Vickie Nelson, Rex Brown, Ralph Corriveau, Margaret Sharrad-Erickson, Jesica Deering, Tiff Tossman, Bobbi Lapushansky, Alex Feree, Tom Sherman, Ryan Hudson, Derek Stewart, Diana Angus, Julie Miller, Christine Donaldson, Yasue Sakaoka, Rick Borgia