
CS Summer Detour Guest Curator Series – June 2014

Show dates: June 7th thru June 18th
Opening night: June 14th, 7 – 10 pm

Welcome to CS Gallery’s Summer Detour Series!!
To keep this summer fresh and exciting CS is embarking on a new collaborative adventure!!
Throughout June, July, and August we will be inviting some very exciting individuals to curate some amazing shows!!
For our June Installment we are collaborating with local artist Simon LaBozetta of Underground 64 featuring
these local amazing artists!!
Featured Artists: Simon La Bozetta, JT Thompson, Nigel Wang, Jennifer Bender, Brent Elam, Lisa M. McLymont, Amy Leibrand, Matt Yoho, Roger J Williams, Leni D. Anderson, Craig Bortmas, Derek Stewart, Devin Meriam

April “Open” Group Show

Show dates: April 12th – 23rd
Opening night: April 12th, 7-10pm

Featured Artists: Come check out this AWESOME show and these Featured artists: Caroline Kraus, Ryan Hudson, Tom Hubbard, Neil Loemker, Derek Stewart, April Sunami, Trisha Clifford-Sprouse, Lisa Schorr, Tiff Tossman, Melissa Elam, Brent Elam, Kevin Young ,Flint Garrabrant, Lynda Guenther, Craig Allen

Flora & Fauna

Show dates: March 29th – April 9th
Opening night: March 29th, 7-10pm

Come be apart of this show that is all about the birds, bees, flowers, trees, and maybe a little love! Featured Artists: Jennifer Brown, Vickie Nelson, Rex Brown, Ralph Corriveau, Margaret Sharrad-Erickson, Jesica Deering, Tiff Tossman, Bobbi Lapushansky, Alex Feree, Tom Sherman, Ryan Hudson, Derek Stewart, Diana Angus, Julie Miller, Christine Donaldson, Yasue Sakaoka, Rick Borgia