
CS Year 4 Anniversary Show

Show dates: April 26th – May 7th
Opening night: April 26th, 7-10pm

Come help us celebrate our fourth year helping to create an amazing art culture in Columbus. Featuring music by Jeff McCargish!

Featured Artists: OHH MAN! This show is looking great!! Come check out these local Artists fo Year 4!! Brian Matheny, Ralph Corriveau, Lydia A. AcostaKraftt, Chris Patterson, Patti Goltz, Jonathan Ryan, Lindsay Rodgers, Sarah DeAgulo Hout, Kevin Russell, Wayne M. Hughes, Brian Hyrne, Chris Pack, James E. Wright, Jennifer Bender, Charla Mayhew, Danielle Forbes, Alicia Little, Todd Fisher, Steve Hayes, Brent Elam, Clinton Joshua, Tom Hubbard, Caroline Kraus

April “Open” Group Show

Show dates: April 12th – 23rd
Opening night: April 12th, 7-10pm

Featured Artists: Come check out this AWESOME show and these Featured artists: Caroline Kraus, Ryan Hudson, Tom Hubbard, Neil Loemker, Derek Stewart, April Sunami, Trisha Clifford-Sprouse, Lisa Schorr, Tiff Tossman, Melissa Elam, Brent Elam, Kevin Young ,Flint Garrabrant, Lynda Guenther, Craig Allen


Show dates: March 15th – 26th
Opening night: March 15th, 7-10

The opening reception was Saturday, March 15, 2014 t CS Gallery, located at 66 Parsons Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.
To celebrate the return of EXPOSURE, we re-created the ambiance of the power outage that occured opening night of the 2013 EXPOSURE exhibit — patrons were left in the dark to (fittingly) view the mobile images by the light of their smartphones. The atmosphere was special and intimate, and a disappointed “awwww” came from the crowd when power was restored. We thought it’d be fun to have a voluntary outage this year — the “Blackout Hour”.
And WOW – WOW – WOW!!!!
Exposure 2014 was record breaking!
If you missed it you missed an amazing time! A huge thank you to everyone who came out and helped make this another great show.
BUT it is up for two more weeks!! Come see it it will rock your socks!
AND the online gallery is now open!! All works in the show are available in a limited edition of 5 prints!! Don’t miss out!!
Great job – Amy, Cynthia, Jocelyn, Rocky, All the participating artists, a spcial thanks to Jeff, DJ MOXY, and Chuck for providing the music, and a special bit of food from Caroline and her man! Also thanks to all the local businesses that provided prizes for the raffle. Corner Stone, Abnormal Allies, Tavern Olde Towne, UpperCup Coffee, Voda, Old Familiar Barber Shop, and Cap City Tatoo.
Get Exposure photos HERE
Check out this article in the Columbus Alive:
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Exhibit dates: March 15-26, 2014 Featured Artists: adam elkins, ale di gangi, amy hafner, barbara dubois, caroline kraus, caroline macmoran, cathrine halsør, chad cochran, christen mcfarland, christina mayberry, cindi hobgood, cristian margarita, dani salvadori ° dewey thomas ° donna estep ° emily rush eve hermann ° fiona christian ° gianluca ricoveri ° gizem karayavuz glenn homann, gwenn danae, hannah conley, heather mcalister, helge jorgensen, jade brooks, janine graf, jared gibbons, jay ross, jeanette serrat, jen l. phillips, jenn brewster, jennifer bender, jennifer bracewell, jimmy balough, jq gaines, justin fitch, kate sweeney, lanie heller, lindsey hogle, lisa waddell, mark koenig, megan corwin, mel harrison, melanie schmitt, michelle robinson, nicholas carron, paul brown, patrick mccolgan, rinkey boleman, roger guetta, stephane arnaud, sue milling, tim courlas, vanessa langhurst, veevs hanson, vickie nelson, w.e. arnold, whiispa, yana mikho-misho