CS Gallery presents: Guest Curators from the Greater Columbus Arts Council Staff
Welcome to CS Gallery’s Summer Detour Series!! To keep this summer fresh and exciting CS is embarking on a new
collaborative adventure!!
Throughout June, July, and August we will be inviting some very exciting individuals to curate some amazing shows!! For our August installment we are collaborating with the staff of the Greater Columbus Arts Council and the artists of ColumbusArts.com. Featured Artists: Featuring These Staff Selected ColumbusArts.com
Artists: Laine Bachmann | Ameila Bruskotter | Michael Bush | Kim Covell Maurer | Mary Ann Crago | Christine Gouillot Ryan | Cassidy Rae Limbach | Deanna Poelsma | Amandda Tirey | Lisa McLymont | Jason Moore | Cera Marie
With special musical guest: Jeff McCargish